Musculoskeletal and Joints
Dr. Rajsree's top supplements for healthy bones, joints, and muscles.
Essential Magnesium
Essential Magnesium provides three unique forms of highly absorbed magnesium to ensure maximum absorption of this important mineral. Essential Magnesium takes advantage of three unique pathways of absorption by providing magnesium as di-magnesium malate, magnesium citrate and magnesium glyci...
Vitamin D3 with K2
Vitamin D3 is often referred to as the "longevity hormone" as it influences our immune system, metabolic health, mood, hormones, and helps to prevent cancers. New research is focusing on the synergistic relationship between vitamin K2 and vitamin D3, for bone and cardiovascular health. A group of...
L Glutamine
Is your gut inflamed? Do you suffer from Leaky Gut, abdominal pain or IBS? Gut inflammation can be a trigger for systemic inflammation as well as autoimmune disease, so it's really important to heal your gut! L Glutamine is an amino acid that helps to heal the enterocytes (cells that line your...
Omega 3 Fish oil
Omega 3 Fish Oil is a high-concentration fish oil sourced from anchovies off the Chilean coast. As the world’s least industrialized coastline, these cold, fresh waters provide the cleanest, most sustainable source of fish in the world. Omega 3 Fish Oil provides 820 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EP...
Essential Calcium
Calcium is important for bones, muscle recovery, and deep sleep. You need calcium for most cellular functions in the body. Essential Calcium works well with Essential Magnesium for muscle recovery and a deep restorative night's sleep. This is a combination of highly absorbable calciums for best...
Collagen with Hyaluronic Acid
Collagen is the amino acids from the tendon and ligaments of cows that is very easy to digest and great for your face, skin, hair, nails, joints, and muscles. This particular collagen has the additional superstar ingredient Hyaluronic Acid which helps with skin, hair, and joint health. It also ha...
Turmeric Pro
Turmeric Pro is formulated specifically to support healthy inflammatory balance and musculoskeletal health. Turmeric Pro includes the innovative ingredient, Complete Turmeric Matrix. Turmeric Pro also includes the proteolytic enzyme, bromelain, as well as the powerful flavonoids quercetin and rut...
Electrolyte Powder
Dr. Rajsree's Electrolyte Powder contains all the key minerals for your cells: potassium, sodium, chloride, and magnesium. It also contains D-ribose, which may help with muscle recovery after exercise. It has a significant dose of Vitamin C as well as Quercetin and Citrus Bioflavonoids which are ...