Digestive Enzyme Pro is a full-spectrum enzyme strategically designed to support each phase of digestion. In the gastric phase, betaine HCl and pepsin prime the stomach, ensuring proper pH to initiate the first phase of digestion. This sets up the second stage of digestion, the enteric phase, in which high-concentration pancreatin, which includes protease, amylase, and lipase, is released and activated in the small intestine to ensure proper protein and carbohydrate breakdown and fat absorption. Ox bile also facilitates fat digestion. Bromelain and Papain facilitate protein digestion. This unique blend of high-powered enzymes works in synergy to enhance digestion and ensure maximum nutrient absorption.
Digestive Enzyme Pro can help reduce gas, bloating, indigestion and acid reflux. It can also help reduce inflammation and promote healthier digestion and assimilation of nutrients from your food. It may also improve toleration of food sensitivities such as lectins in the diet.
Suggested Dose: 1-2 capsules before or after meals. Try it both ways to determine which works best for you.
Those suffering from Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) benefit from taking Digestive Enzyme Pro with every meal, since SIBO bacteria feed off of food that is not properly broken down.
To learn more about the benefits of Digestive Enzymes, please watch my video:
Video: Digestive Enzymes and Stomach Acid
To learn more tips on treating SIBO, please watch my videos:
Video: Dr. Rajsree's Herbal Protocol for SIBO
To learn more about SIFO and Candida, please watch my video:
To learn more about Dysbiosis, please watch my video:
🤓 For more details and research references, click link below:
Blog Post on Digestive Enzyme Pro
Rajsree Nambudripad, MD has created this content for education and information only. Please consult with your health care provider for recommendations specific to your health.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information provided and products sold on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.